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Why Use Film?

Film offers a cost-effective way to get a message across to a wide audience.

Businesses use film to stand out from the crowd, to promote their services and highlight their qualities. It provides them with interesting content for their website and social media platforms, that are more likely to be shared than static photographs.
Voluntary and Public Sector Projects and Services use film as an effective way to share information with a wide audience, in an accessible format.
Funders value seeing the impact that their money has had on communities and film offers the ideal way of capturing words, activities and emotions.

Accessibility, Speed and impact 



Literacy - Some people are reluctant to engage in written exercises such as questionnaires, but may be willing to answer the same questions when asked directly. This may be due to any one of a number of issues including dyslexia, sight problems, English as a second language etc.
Formality – Written documents can cause anxiety in some and may be seen as very formal. Some people may be afraid of making “mistakes.”
Age & Ability – Standard evaluation forms can be difficult to use with some groups, e.g. young children. With film it is possible to capture the responses of virtually any group.
Collecting data – Large amounts of information can be gathered in a relatively short space of time and are instantly stored in a digital format so there is little paper work to file.
Demonstrating results – The impact of a project can be shown in an instant via the medium of film. The written word, images, diagrams and verbal responses can all be presented simultaneously.
Visuals – Documentation using film can be very powerful: the contrast of “before” and “after” shots can easily show the effects of a project.
Emotion – It can be difficult sometimes in a written document, to express the emotional impact of a project, whereas in film, there is the benefit of a plethora of non-verbal cues such as facial expression, tone of voice etc.
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